It's happening: our day is coming up. We have some big plans prepared to make this inaugural arthrofibrosis awareness day a success:
Arthrofibrosis coverage in the media: UWA Media, ABC Health. You can reach out to media as well using the media statement at the bottom of this page.
The first ever Arthrofibrosis Expert Primer on our YouTube channel with interviews with surgeon Dr. Singleton, rheumatologist Dr. Will and physical therapist Sebastiano Nutarelli.
Personal stories to be heard, such as Myra's, on the Forum. Share your story too.
Petition to 'Educate clinicians about appropriate treatment for arthrofibrosis' sign it here please and share on social media.
AF as trending topic in social media #ArthrofibrosisAwareness with YOUR help! Post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, go viral. Make some noise and be heard!
Arthrofibrosis Day: This is a very important day for me:. I had a total knee replacement 3 years ago and I am still suffering from Arthrofibrosis. However without Dr. Usher's generous help and advice I would by now have despaired. Reading her article on Arthrofibrosis made me aware that I needed a totally different heeling plan; no painful work-out any longer that constantly acerbated my swelling and pain, but gentle exercises. Also realizing, that a neurological interaction was at play; my nerve system getting impulses that new trauma was happening to my knee with these painful exercises and that new heeling fibre were strangling my nerves around the knee.. A medication, Duloxatine, which contains a nerve blocker, also helped me…
The University of Western Australia published an article on the International Arthrofibrosis Awareness Day: Shedding light on arthrofibrosis, the silent epidemic