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10 Self-Care Tips for Arthrofibrosis Patients


Updated: Dec 8, 2023

We have listed our 10 top recommendations for patients suffering from arthrofibrosis of things you can start doing right now for yourself to find some relief and to minimise worsening of the situation.

Surgical release of scar tissue helps some people, but in others surgery leads to worse outcomes. There is currently no way to predict who will be in which group. Be a patient patient, try these recommendations and increase your chances of finding improvement.

Let us know in the comments which of these are your favorites.

  1. Do NOT push through the pain during exercise or stretching. Mild discomfit at the end of a stretch (similar to the feeling of pushing your finger backwards) is OK.

  2. Limit the use of the affected limb so that at the end of the day it doesn’t feel worse. For knees this may mean using crutches. This is especially important early post-op or post-trauma. Read more.

  3. Keep the affected limb mobile with daily passive stretching (not using the muscles on the affected limb) in the pain-free zone. Read more.

  4. Spend as much time outdoors as possible, especially in green spaces. This has important benefits to your health. Read more.

  5. Exercise other parts of the body - don’t try to build muscle in the affected limb while it’s inflamed and painful. Read more.

  6. Pay attention to your diet. Your body needs fruit and vegetables and will be negatively affected by sugar in drinks and food. Read more.

  7. Do NOT take NSAIDs (other than aspirin) for more than a week, these have been shown to increase fibrosis. Read more.

  8. Consult a rheumatologist and test for autoimmune conditions and blood chemistry. You can have an autoimmune condition without knowing it, and early treatment is important. Surgery can induce autoimmune conditions in susceptible people. Read more.

  9. Focus on pleasant things and try to relieve stress. If you’re depressed or feel sad seek treatment and support. If you feel frustrated or gaslighted by your doctors get a second opinion. Read more.

  10. Control pain as much as possible, ask your doctor. Long term opioid use (more than 3 months) is dangerous.

These are general recommendations, not medical advice for individuals. The medical conditions of individuals vary and we cannot provide medical advice, please consult your doctor.

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1 Comment

Dec 07, 2023

Hard to choose which one is my favourite: I would say #6 and # 9. They seem to affect me most.

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